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Hot trends for April 21, 2008

Booze and Bet - TouchTable RealRoulette is a new trend

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 23:36:36 PDT
We knew those live tabletop computer interfaces like Microsoft surface and the Linux-based MPX multi-touch table were going to change the way we looked at computers but to be honest even I never imagined that the technology would be adapted for gambling and casino purposes before it hit museums. The TouchTable Roulette takes the know-how of the int

Knitting trends include shawls, felting (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:06:09 PDT
Shawls, alpaca yarns, embellishments and felting are hot this year in knit and crochet trends.

Cycles in Fashion Trends

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:19:32 PDT
Some things travel from one generation to another. They stay with us for a while and then are replaced by the new coil of fashion. Sure thing, they bring the fashion of 2008 with them, but original design and form remain the same. Here are some typical examples.

Achieve A Natural Weight Loss

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:31:52 PDT
The natural health trend is more likely to help you achieve a natural weight loss if you remember the simple principle of not consuming more calories than your body uses.

advantages of yoga meditation and exercise

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 03:12:53 PDT
If you’re looking for a new exercise tradition that will be easy to study, requires no gear and also soothes your soul, then you should totally turn towards Yoga. This hot trend in fact began thousands of years ago in India. Benefits of Yoga Meditation and more

Global Food Fights

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:00:13 PDT
It takes a decent respect for the obvious truth to admit that mankind has no control over the climate. What is occurring, however, is a trend toward global cooling. Alan Caruba thinks that between rising food costs driven by an environmental agenda and real, not imagined climate change, the word famine is going to be heard more often.

The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 1

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:22:22 PDT
At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these

Benefits Of Yoga In Holistic Health And Well-Being

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:38:41 PDT
As much as yoga is becoming a popular trend, it is actually not newly developed technique. Yoga is a spiritual practice which began in India thousands of years ago. Yet through the millennia, the benefits of yoga have been retained.

Watch This Future Business Trend - Sharia-Compliant Hotels

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:08:13 PDT
Springing up in the UAE, 80% of guests are non-Muslim.

Google Hot Trends

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:09:15 PDT
Hot Trends reflects what people are searching for on Google today. With Hot Trends, you can see a snapshot of what’s on the public’s collective mind by viewing the fastest-rising searches for different points of time. You can see a list of today’s top 100 fastest-rising search queries in the U.S. full here

Japanese photoshoppers makes fun of New NTT Docomo logo

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:31:35 PDT
Japan's No.1 cellularphone career NTT docomo announced its renewal-ed logo to hope to stop its declining trend in market, unanticipated reactions from non-targeted web hooligans.

Trendy women want stylish handbags

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:43:32 PDT
Exclusive and unique handbags directly from Los Angeles plus fabulous jewellery made in Germany. Designed to the latest trends and produced with the highest quality in mind. Attention to detail as well as seasonal designs - you want the best and you want it now!

Medical Tourism Trends

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:59:58 PDT
Here is an informative site about medical tourism. More and more people are finding that going to a foreign country for cosmetic surgery, dental work, and so on is a practical and viable solution. Save thousands of dollars on medical treatments and vacation in a great location at the same time. Really worth checking into.

Egypt is the oldest tourist destination on earth.

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:13:45 PDT
Ancient Greeks and Romans started the trend, coming to goggle at the cyclopean scale of the Pyramids and the Colossi of Thebes. At the onset of colonial times, Napoleon and the British in turn looted Egypt's treasures to fill their national museums, sparking off a trickle of Grand Tourists that, by the 1860s, had grown into a flood of travellers,


Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:45:54 PDT
sick drug trend

Future of the Internet

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:51:56 PDT
Just as the Internet revolutionized how the world accessed information and communicated through the 1990's, the ongoing development in speed, bandwidth, and functionality will continue to cause fundamental changes to how our world operates for decades to come. Some of the major trends shaping the future of the Internet are summarized below.

ethority Study - Travel Trends 2008 Part I

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:21:54 PDT
ethority evaluated the main travel trends for 2008 on Social Media

Of Economic Woes, Fears, And Hunger

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:49:51 PDT
In catching up on economic news this week, I've noticed a trend toward real world reports. It's as though a few in the media have awakened to the fact that a large segment of our population is struggling to just get by -- which for regular folks isn't exactly news, but it's a welcome change from the usual indifference.

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